sockets - NSInputStream can't read from TCP Connection [TCP-Server] -

i created tcp server using this (quite old) example apple. server , running, listening on specified port incoming connections.

everything looks perfect, client app can connect server , -stream:handleevent: called expected.

but when write stream, server kind of rejects connection. client says 30 bytes has been written successfully.

but logs say:

did read 0 bytes inputstream. data received:  nsstreameventerroroccurred error: error domain=nsposixerrordomain code=14 "the operation couldn't completed. bad address" 

in client side i'm using following code establish connection:

cfstreamcreatepairwithsockettohost(null, (cfstringref)@"", 58896, &readstream, &writestream);  _istream = (__bridge nsinputstream *)readstream; _ostream = (__bridge nsoutputstream *)writestream;  [_istream setdelegate:self]; [_ostream setdelegate:self];  [_istream scheduleinrunloop:[nsrunloop currentrunloop] formode:nsdefaultrunloopmode]; [_ostream scheduleinrunloop:[nsrunloop currentrunloop] formode:nsdefaultrunloopmode];  [_istream open]; [_ostream open]; 

on server side creates socket (a cfsocketcallback provided)

_ipv4socket = cfsocketcreate(kcfallocatordefault, pf_inet, sock_stream, ipproto_tcp, kcfsocketacceptcallback, (cfsocketcallback)&jwtcpserveracceptcallback, nil); 

then in callback i'm pairing using this:

cfstreamcreatepairwithsocket(kcfallocatordefault, nativesockethandle, &readstream, &writestream); cfreadstreamsetproperty(readstream, kcfstreampropertyshouldclosenativesocket, kcfbooleantrue); cfwritestreamsetproperty(writestream, kcfstreampropertyshouldclosenativesocket, kcfbooleantrue); 

and bridge cast streams nsstreams, set delegate, schedule in in current runloop , open them.

i'm not quite sure why can happen don't provide whole server code here. much.

when need specific piece of code or guess caused, i'll post respective code here.


i did lot of research in own code. tracked issue down -stream:handleevent method invocation.

- (void)stream:(nsstream *)astream handleevent:(nsstreamevent)eventcode {     uint8_t *buffer = null;     nsmutabledata *receiveddata;      switch(eventcode) {         case nsstreameventhasbytesavailable:          if(astream == _istream) {             receiveddata = [nsmutabledata data];              while([_istream read:buffer maxlength:1] > 0) {             //    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ returns -1                 if([[[nsstring alloc] initwithbytes:buffer length:sizeof(buffer) encoding:nsutf8stringencoding] isequaltostring:@"\n"]) {                     break;                 }                  [receiveddata appendbytes:buffer length:sizeof(buffer)];             }               nslog(@"did receive %li bytes of data: %@", [receiveddata length], [[nsstring alloc] initwithdata:receiveddata encoding:nsutf8stringencoding]);         }      } } 

update 2

i read this great apple article tcp servers , clients. walked through steps , program identical code provided apple. problem remains.

i found solution! declaring buffer wrong. address meant error message wasn't network address, thought...

uint8_t *buffer = null; 

must turned into

uint8_t buffer[1]; 


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