wso2 api for API Publisher and API Store throws error -

i have installed wso2 api manager , wso2 bam. can access ip::9443/publisher/, ip:9443/stores/, ip:9443/carbon/ , :9444/publisher/ application browser. i'm trying access publishers , stores via apis in order have available customers. i'm referring documentation @ when try hit application

curl -x post -c cookies http://ip:9763/publisher/site/blocks/user/login/ajax/login.jag -d 'action=login&username=my_username&password=my_password'

it gives output below {"error" : false}

and see following in cookie file.

# cat cookies # netscape http cookie file # # file generated libcurl! edit @ own risk

# httponly_ip_here false /publisher/ false 0 jsessionid xyz_session_id_here

i couldnt find article related posting here. tried same /stores , failing same messeage. missing working? appreciate resolution if 1 aware of.

thank you!

there no issue here. {"error" : false} means no error. login successful. if there issue response different , error message include in response error:true.

you can call publisher api after this. should work.


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