mysql - Select where sum less than value -

i working on php/mysql timesheet system, , report want create selects employees have worked less required amount of time between 2 dates. employee's time stored in hours , minutes (int), concerned hours.

the employee table looks like:

id | name 1  | george 2  | fred 

the timesheet_entry table:

id | employeeid | hour | date 1  | 1          | 2    | 2013-07-25 2  | 2          | 4    | 2013-07-25 3  | 1          | 3    | 2013-07-25 

so if select employees have worked less 5 hours (php variable hrslimit) on 2013-07-25, should return 2 fred, george has worked total of 5 hours on date. have html form user can set variables query.

i have tried:

select employeeid,        employeename   employee        join timesheet_entry tse          on tse.tse_employeeid = employeeid             , sum(tse.hour) < $hrslimit   

i have not worried date yet.

the confusing bit here joining 2 tables. perhaps should select hours , put sum clause @ end in instead?

you need group data , place sum condition in having part of query.

select,,        date,        sum(`hour`)  timesheet_entry join employee on group timesheet_entry.employeeid,date having sum(`hour`)<$hrslimit 

sqlfiddle demo


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