delphi - How can I use Tidhttp to make a Get request with a parameter called xml? -

i've been using delphi 2010 make http requests, 1 service expects parameter called 'xml' request fails 'http/1.1 400 bad request' error.

i notice calling same service , omitting 'xml' parameter works.

i have tried following no success:

httpget('http://localhost/service/messaging.svc/sendreports/pdf?xml=<?xml version="1.0"?><email><message><to></to><from></from></message></email>&id=42&profile=a1'); 


function treportingframe.httpget(const url: string): string; var   responsestream : tmemorystream;   html: string;   http: tidhttp; begin   try       try         responsestream := tmemorystream.create;         http := tidhttp.create(nil);         http.onwork:= httpwork;         http.request.contenttype := 'text/xml; charset=utf-8';         http.request.contentencoding := 'utf-8';         http.httpoptions := [hoforceencodeparams];         http.request.charset := 'utf-8';         http.get(url, responsestream);         setstring(html, pansichar(responsestream.memory), responsestream.size);         result := html;       except         on e: exception             global.logerror(e, 'processhttprequest');       end;           try         http.disconnect;       except       end;     end; end; 

calling same url parameter name 'xml' renamed else, 'xml2' or 'name' same value above works. have tried multiple combinations of charset, think indy component changing internally.


the service expects:

[webget(uritemplate = "sendreports/{format=pdf}?report={reportfile}&params={jsonparams}&xml={xmlfile}&profile={profile}&id={id}")] 

has had experience this?


you need encode parameter data when passing via url, tidhttp not encode url you, eg:

http.get(tiduri.urlencode('http://localhost/service/messaging.svc/sendreports/pdf?xml=<?xml version="1.0"?><email><message><to></to><from></from></message></email>&id=42&profile=a1')); 


http.get('http://localhost/service/messaging.svc/sendreports/pdf?xml=' + tiduri.paramsencode('<?xml version="1.0"?><email><message><to></to><from></from></message></email>') + '&id=42&profile=a1'); 


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