Parse multiple JSON in Objective C -

long story, short. need access parent in json file. how parse multiple json in objective-c? ) need access author > name json. (*removed link)

the code is:

nsurl *blogurl = [nsurl urlwithstring:@"*removed link"];      nsdata *jsondata = [nsdata datawithcontentsofurl:blogurl];      nserror *error = nil;      nsdictionary *datadictionary = [nsjsonserialization jsonobjectwithdata:jsondata options:0 error:&error]; //    nslog(@"%@",datadictionary);      self.blogposts = [nsmutablearray array];      nsarray *blogpostsarray = [datadictionary objectforkey:@"posts"];      (nsdictionary *bpdictionary in blogpostsarray) {         blogpost *blogpost = [blogpost blogpostwithtitle:[bpdictionary objectforkey:@"title"]]; = [bpdictionary objectforkey:@"author"];         blogpost.thumbnail = [bpdictionary objectforkey:@"thumbnail"]; = [bpdictionary objectforkey:@"date"];         blogpost.url = [nsurl urlwithstring:[bpdictionary objectforkey:@"url"]];         [self.blogposts addobject:blogpost];     } 

how can make access value ?

you should able use dot notation


{     "author": {                 "name" : "mckeejm"               } } 

objective c: = [bpdictionary valueforkeypath:@""]; 

updated @martin


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