windows - Move new files from dropbox as soon as they sync -

i use dropbox (on windows xp , 7 pcs) way new iso files moved on directory on computer @ home/office. have robocopy script copies files on dropbox folder, using same file structure dropbox folder. question this... there way have dropbox folder checked/monitored, using either script or other software, , run robocopy script move files out of dropbox folder local machine? tried use belvedere run robocopy script have on each file opposed running once because has detected new file.

i'm there way don't know is. can help?

the robocopy script use manually here...

@echo off rem  ©2007-2013 cls echo. echo ====================================================================== echo file preparation script used update newer iso stuff echo ===================================================================== echo.  :start echo.  pause cls cls echo shouldn't take long... echo. echo.  robocopy "c:\documents , settings\home\desktop\dropbox\latest files\files\opensource" \\africa\iso_files\opensource /s /mov /zb  robocopy "c:\documents , settings\home\desktop\dropbox\latest files\files\cd-clock-it" \\africa\iso_files\cd-clock-it /s /mov /zb  robocopy "c:\documents , settings\home\desktop\dropbox\latest files\files\disc-phunk" \\africa\iso_files\disc-phunk /s /mov /zb  robocopy "c:\documents , settings\home\desktop\dropbox\latest files\files\disc-phunk" \\africa\iso_files\vvc /s /mov /zb  robocopy "c:\documents , settings\home\desktop\dropbox\latest files\files\disc-phunk" \\africa\iso_files\emac /s /mov /zb  cls  echo  process has finished echo. echo  press key exit window , remove newly updated echo  iso hard drive! pause > nul 

the solution went adjust above batch file there no prompt run robocopy moves , no pause @ end of file either. scheduled run each day (assuming computer on) @ 17:00 run after computer left idle 3 hours long enough new files downloaded dropbox server local dropbox folder on machine.


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