c# - AES to return Alphanumeric -

i have aes encryption code, want make return alphanumerical characters {0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstwuvyz}

but not figure out how that. have no idea encryption, not figure out fix. apreciate feedback. regards...

public class clscrypto     {         private string _key = string.empty;         protected internal string key         {                         {                 return _key;             }             set             {                 if (!string.isnullorempty(value))                 {                     _key = value;                 }             }         }          private string _iv = string.empty;         protected internal string iv         {                         {                 return _iv;             }             set             {                 if (!string.isnullorempty(value))                 {                     _iv = value;                 }             }         }          private string calcmd5(string strinput)         {             string stroutput = string.empty;             if (!string.isnullorempty(strinput))             {                 try                 {                     stringbuilder strhex = new stringbuilder();                     using (md5 md5 = md5.create())                     {                         byte[] bytartext = encoding.default.getbytes(strinput);                         byte[] bytarhash = md5.computehash(bytartext);                         (int = 0; < bytarhash.length; i++)                         {                             strhex.append(bytarhash[i].tostring("x2"));                         }                         stroutput = strhex.tostring();                     }                 }                 catch (exception ex)                 {                     messagebox.show(ex.message);                 }             }             return stroutput;         }          private byte[] getbytesfromhexstring(string strinput)         {             byte[] bytaroutput = new byte[] { };             if ((!string.isnullorempty(strinput)) && strinput.length % 2 == 0)             {                 soaphexbinary hexbinary = null;                 try                 {                     hexbinary = soaphexbinary.parse(strinput);                 }                 catch (exception ex)                 {                     messagebox.show(ex.message);                 }                 bytaroutput = hexbinary.value;             }             return bytaroutput;         }          private byte[] generateiv()         {             byte[] bytaroutput = new byte[] { };             try             {                 string striv = calcmd5(iv);                 bytaroutput = getbytesfromhexstring(striv);             }             catch (exception ex)             {                 messagebox.show(ex.message);             }             return bytaroutput;         }          private byte[] generatekey()         {             byte[] bytaroutput = new byte[] { };             try             {                 string strkey = calcmd5(key);                 bytaroutput = getbytesfromhexstring(strkey);             }             catch (exception ex)             {                 messagebox.show(ex.message);             }             return bytaroutput;         }          protected internal string encrypt(string strinput, ciphermode ciphermode)         {             string stroutput = string.empty;             if (!string.isnullorempty(strinput))             {                 try                 {                     byte[] byteplaintext = encoding.default.getbytes(strinput);                     using (rijndaelmanaged rijmanaged = new rijndaelmanaged())                     {                         rijmanaged.mode = ciphermode;                         rijmanaged.blocksize = 128;                         rijmanaged.keysize = 128;                         rijmanaged.iv = generateiv();                         rijmanaged.key = generatekey();                         rijmanaged.padding = paddingmode.zeros;                         icryptotransform icpotransform = rijmanaged.createencryptor(rijmanaged.key, rijmanaged.iv);                         using (memorystream memstream = new memorystream())                         {                             using (cryptostream cpostream = new cryptostream(memstream, icpotransform, cryptostreammode.write))                             {                                 cpostream.write(byteplaintext, 0, byteplaintext.length);                                 cpostream.flushfinalblock();                             }                             stroutput = encoding.default.getstring(memstream.toarray());                         }                     }                 }                 catch (exception ex)                 {                     messagebox.show(ex.message);                 }             }             return stroutput;         }          protected internal string decrypt(string strinput, ciphermode ciphermode)         {             string stroutput = string.empty;             if (!string.isnullorempty(strinput))             {                 try                 {                     byte[] byteciphertext = encoding.default.getbytes(strinput);                     byte[] bytebuffer = new byte[strinput.length];                     using (rijndaelmanaged rijmanaged = new rijndaelmanaged())                     {                         rijmanaged.mode = ciphermode;                         rijmanaged.blocksize = 128;                         rijmanaged.keysize = 128;                         rijmanaged.iv = generateiv();                         rijmanaged.key = generatekey();                         rijmanaged.padding = paddingmode.zeros;                         icryptotransform icpotransform = rijmanaged.createdecryptor(rijmanaged.key, rijmanaged.iv);                         using (memorystream memstream = new memorystream(byteciphertext))                         {                             using (cryptostream cpostream = new cryptostream(memstream, icpotransform, cryptostreammode.read))                             {                                 cpostream.read(bytebuffer, 0, bytebuffer.length);                             }                             stroutput = encoding.default.getstring(bytebuffer);                         }                     }                 }                 catch (exception ex)                 {                     messagebox.show(ex.message);                 }             }             return stroutput;         }      } 

encryption , decryption functions use byte arrays parameters. so, must convert these arrays base 36 string.

you can use following class (base36) make these conversions:

all have do, calling these 2 functions:

 byte[] bytearray;   //to convert byte array string   string bytearrayinbase36 = base36.bytearraytobase36string(bytearray);   //to convert string byte array  byte[] bytearray2 = base36.base36stringtobytearray(bytearrayinbase36); 

and, class:

using system; using system.collections.generic;  class base36 { #region public methods public static string bytearraytobase36string(byte[] bytes) {     string result = string.empty;     result = encode36((ulong)bytes.length).padleft(base36_length_bloc_size_36, '0');      if (bytes.length > 0)     {         list<byte[]> byteslist = splitbytes(bytes, 8);         if (byteslist[byteslist.count - 1].length < 8)         {             byte[] newlastarray = new byte[8];             byteslist[byteslist.count - 1].copyto(newlastarray, 0);             byteslist[byteslist.count - 1] = newlastarray;         }         foreach (byte[] bytearray in byteslist)         {             ulong value = 0;              //for (int = 0; < bytearray.length; i++) value = value * 256 + bytearray[i];             value = bitconverter.touint64(bytearray, 0);             result = result + encode36(value).padleft(base36_bloc_size_36, '0');         }     }     return result; } public static byte[] base36stringtobytearray(string input) {     byte[] result = new byte[0];     if (input.length >= base36_length_bloc_size_36)     {         int arraylength = (int)decode36(input.substring(0, base36_length_bloc_size_36));         string data = input.remove(0, base36_length_bloc_size_36);         list<byte[]> byteslist = new list<byte[]>();         foreach (string value36 in new list<string>(splitstringbylength(data, base36_bloc_size_36)))         {             byte[] bytearray = bitconverter.getbytes(decode36(value36));             byteslist.add(bytearray);         }         result = joinbytes(byteslist);         array.resize(ref result, arraylength);     }     return result; } #endregion  #region const private const int base36_length_bloc_size_36 = 6; private const int base36_bloc_size_36 = 13; //encode36(ulong.maxvalue).length; #endregion  #region private methods static string _charlist36 = string.empty; static private string charlist36 {         {         if (_charlist36.length < 36)         {             char[] array = new char[36];             (int = 0; < 10; i++) array[i] = (char)(i + 48);             (int = 0; < 26; i++) array[i + 10] = (char)(i + 97);             _charlist36 = new string(array);         }         return _charlist36;     } }  private static list<string> splitstringbylength(string str, int chunksize) {     list<string> list = new list<string>();     int i;     (i = 0; < str.length / chunksize; i++)     {         list.add(str.substring(i * chunksize, chunksize));     }     = * chunksize;     if (i < str.length - 1)         list.add(str.substring(i, str.length - i));     return list; }  private static string encode36(ulong input) {     if (input < 0) throw new argumentoutofrangeexception("input", input, "input cannot negative");      char[] clistarr = charlist36.tochararray();     var result = new stack<char>();     while (input != 0)     {         result.push(clistarr[input % 36]);         input /= 36;     }     return new string(result.toarray()).toupper(); }  private static ulong decode36(string input) {     var reversed = reversestring(input.tolower());     ulong result = 0;     int pos = 0;     foreach (char c in reversed)     {         result += (ulong)charlist36.indexof(c) * (ulong)math.pow(36, pos);         pos++;     }     return result; }  private static string reversestring(string text) {     char[] carray = text.tochararray();     string reverse = string.empty;     (int = 0; < carray.length / 2; i++)     {         char c = carray[i];         carray[i] = carray[carray.length - 1 - i];         carray[carray.length - 1 - i] = c;     }     return new string(carray); }  private static byte[] stringtobytes(string str) {     byte[] bytes = new byte[str.length * sizeof(char)];     system.buffer.blockcopy(str.tochararray(), 0, bytes, 0, bytes.length);     return bytes; }  private static list<byte[]> splitbytes(byte[] bytes, int length) {     list<byte[]> result = new list<byte[]>();      int position = 0;     while (bytes.length - position > length)     {         byte[] temp = new byte[length];         (int = 0; < temp.length; i++) temp[i] = bytes[i + position];         position += length;         result.add(temp);     }     if (position < bytes.length)     {         byte[] temp = new byte[bytes.length - position];         (int = 0; + position < bytes.length; i++) temp[i] = bytes[i + position];         result.add(temp);     }     return result; }  private static string bytestostring(byte[] bytes) {     char[] chars = new char[bytes.length / sizeof(char)];     system.buffer.blockcopy(bytes, 0, chars, 0, bytes.length);     return new string(chars); }  private static byte[] joinbytes(list<byte[]> listbytes) {     int totallength = 0;     foreach (byte[] bytes in listbytes) totallength += bytes.length;     byte[] result = new byte[totallength];     int position = 0;     foreach (byte[] bytes in listbytes)         (int = 0; < bytes.length; i++)         {             result[position] = bytes[i];             position++;         }     return result; }  #endregion }  


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