python - access search from XML file -

my code make search in xml file ( function "findterminal") specific attribute name , pass other function ( called dbaccess) find attribut in access database . attribute name not concatenated in database, had make comparison. buut nothing happend when execute code ?

import csv import pyodbc xml.dom import minidom    # *************************************  def dbaccess (term):  mdb = 'c:/test/mydb.mdb'  drv = '{microsoft access driver (*.mdb)}'  pwd = ''   conn = pyodbc.connect('driver=%s;dbq=%s;pwd=%s' % (drv,mdb,pwd))  curs = conn.cursor()    print 'connexion opened'  sql = 'select * gdo_arc;' # insert query here  curs.execute(sql)    curs.execute("select nat_arc gdo_segment")  rows = curs.fetchall()  row in rows:       t = 't' + row.tronson + '_' + row.noued1 + '-' + row.noued2       if t == term :          print (' terminal found')   curs.close()  conn.close()      #*************************************  def findterminal():   xmldoc = minidom.parse('c:\\test\mydoc.xml')  #printing number of blocs in xml file  itemlist = xmldoc.getelementsbytagname('aclinesegment')    item in itemlist:      found = false      child in item.childnodes:         if child.nodename == 'terminal':             found = true      if not found:          term = item.getattribute('name')          dbaccess (term)           #***********************************   findterminal() 


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