css - Code reuse with LESS -

so, i'm in project. have running application same clients have. thing changes, little bit of (pure) css. big problem, each page, have css stylesheet, , each client, have same sheet, specific changes made.

i'm thinking on way reduce redundant code, , starting use css precompiler @ same time, ease our development process, less. have ground rules, are:

  • code refactoring bad idea, it's many code , not worth it
  • the final css filesize cannot bigger, our sites have heavy traffic

my first idea, write precompiler enables "extending" sheets, extending view, blocks , stuff (like this), , write little script diffs files , automatically extends it, , creates file differences only, this:

/** @extends: site/home/test */  #square-test {     background: #c00; } 

but seems complicated, , little bit messy. has been same situation? how did guys handle it? has ideas?

i'm thankful help.


i'm using regular lamp, php 5.3.newer.

you can use sass extend or import stylesheet , can create settings sass document has variables such colors, buttons styles, or whatever variations need.

@import "settings"; //site specific settings @import "allsites"; //styles sites //any site specific rules here 


this way front-end frameworks work. have rules work settings adjustable.


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