ruby on rails - attr_encrypted and postgresql, does it work? -

des attr_encryptor (or attr_encrypted) works postgresql ? datas not saved, when wrote


i have never saved... or maybe doing wrong ?

my model looks :

model user < activerecord::base   attr_accessible :name, :email   attr_encrypted :email, :key => "asecretkey" end 

in ddb, have user(name, encrypted_email, encrypted_email_iv, encrypted_email_salt) character varying(255) each.

and form (and not c.encrypted_email, right ?)

what model like? if have @object.my_value = 'thing' model should like

class myobject   attr_encrypted :my_value, :key => 'a secret key' end 

don't forget call #save on object after assigning value. should able encrypted payload @object.encrypted_my_value if want. db need string field called encrypted_my_value.


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