c# - Resource not found error -

i have problem accessing method on homecontroller. show code of method :

[httpget]     public actionresult decriptidentifiantetredirige(string login_crypter, string mdp_crypter)     {         string loginacrypter = _globalmanager.protegemotdepasse(login_crypter);         string mdpacrypter = _globalmanager.protegemotdepasse(mdp_crypter);         user userapp = new models.user(login_crypter, mdp_crypter);         if (userapp.authentificationvalidee(userapp.userlogin, userapp.password))         {             session["name"] = userapp.userlogin;             return redirecttoaction("accueil", "home");         }         else         {              return redirecttoaction("validerauthentification", "home");         }      } 

then in routeconfig.cs wrote route :

routes.maproute(         name: "authentificationapresdecryptage",         url: "{controller}/{action}/{login_crypter}/{mdp_crypter}",         defaults: new { controller = "home", action = "decriptidentifiantetredirige", login_crypter = "", mdp_crypter = "" }         ); 

but problem when try access method in browser link: "http://mydomain.com/decriptidentifiantetredirige/12345/54321" shows me error : "resource not found".

somebody has idea ? thanks.

try this,

routes.maproute(         name: "authentificationapresdecryptage",         url: "{controller}/{action}/{login_crypter}/{mdp_crypter}",         defaults: new { controller = "home", action = "decriptidentifiantetredirige", login_crypter = urlparameter.optional, mdp_crypter = urlparameter.optional }         ); 


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