Csv import and changing locale of server -

on imports, if first character of row special miss. example; "Çanta" importing "anta". searched , problem locale. use centos on server , locale properties is:

lang=en_us.utf-8 lc_ctype="en_us.utf-8" lc_numeric="en_us.utf-8" lc_time="en_us.utf-8" lc_collate="en_us.utf-8" lc_monetary="en_us.utf-8" lc_messages="en_us.utf-8" lc_paper="en_us.utf-8" lc_name="en_us.utf-8" lc_address="en_us.utf-8" lc_telephone="en_us.utf-8" lc_measurement="en_us.utf-8" lc_identification="en_us.utf-8" lc_all= 

i want use turkish charaters. how can change locale avoid csv import problem?

you can change locale using setlocale.


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