java - Convert plain string to time -

this question has answer here:

i have string value need convert time , save in mysql.[the column's datatype time in database table] examples of string values might encounter convert time object are:

string time = "5:32 pm";

string time = "12:00 am";

string time = "11:43 pm";

i browsed few examples pulled time date object couldn't find apt example, such in case convert plain string. main reason need convert time save in mysql.

you can convert :

string str = "5:32 pm"; dateformat formatter = new simpledateformat("hh:mm a"); date = (; sqldate = new; 

if need java.sql.time , :

java.sql.time time = new java.sql.time(date.gettime()); 

and use preparedstatement#settime().


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