java - Using Modeshape 3.3 with JBoss 7.1.1 -

are there manage configure modeshape in jboss 7.1.1? following guide on link below after unzipped files server , restarted , try exectue command:


i get:

{     "outcome" => "failed",     "failure-description" => "org.jboss.modules.moduleloadexception: error loading module c:\\users\\test\\\\modules\\org\\mo deshape\\jcr\\api\\main\\module.xml",     "rolled-back" => true }

jboss as7.1 last public release of jboss project , 2 years old. has been superseded eap 6.1, based off of jboss project more recent , supported. eap 6.1 far more stable, , modeshape far better runtime platform. why modeshape 3.3 runs in eap 6.1.

(jboss as7.1 old , has several critical issues in libraries modeshape uses. why newer releases of modeshape no longer deploy on top of as7.1.)

see our documentation , blog post details switch , how can use eap.


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