jQuery - Image starts off invisible then fades in when user scrolls -
i'm close achieving effect want, have 1 obstacle left don't know how solve.
basically, want start off image (that says "a new era of hosting), then, user scrolls, image fades out, , new 1 fades in, saying "tired of hosting kids?"
i'm close achieving effect. problem is, page loads, both of images visible, , second 1 disappears begin scrolling. how make second image isn't visible when page loads?
here jquery code, given question. please note haven't learnt jquery yet, , way have edited may amateurish or flat out wrong.
$(document).ready(function () { var subsection2top = $('.sub-section2').offset().top; $(window).scroll(function () { var y = $(window).scrolltop(); if (subsection2top + 500 < y) { $('.sub-section2').fadeto(100, 1); } else { $('.sub-section2').fadeto(100, 0); } }); }); $(document).ready(function () { var subsectiontop = $('.sub-section').offset().top; $(window).scroll(function () { var y = $(window).scrolltop(); if (subsectiontop + 300 < y) { $('.sub-section').fadeto(100, 0); } else { $('.sub-section').fadeto(100, 1); } }); });
also, here jsfiddle of of code.
thank in advance!
add ready function.
also didn't why have ready functions write once this.
$(document).ready(function () { var subsection2top = $('.sub-section2').offset().top; var subsectiontop = $('.sub-section').offset().top; $('.sub-section2').hide(); $(window).scroll(function () { var y = $(window).scrolltop(); if (subsection2top + 500 < y) { $('.sub-section2').fadeto(100, 1); } else { $('.sub-section2').fadeto(100, 0); } if (subsectiontop + 300 < y) { $('.sub-section').fadeto(100, 0); } else { $('.sub-section').fadeto(100, 1); } }); });
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