size - Android sizing on different phones -

i testing app on 3.6" screen 480 x 850 pixels. working fine , images show up.

i deployed it, , got email friend saying 20% of app gets cut down bottom. using 3.7" screen 320 x 480 pixels.

is there fix this? thought android stretches proportions.

i using hdpi folder in app.

you have use mdpi,hdpi , ldpi folder images.. android app take self resolution, use 3 of them, if want support app in device thn should use layout/large,layout/medium,layout/xlarge,layout/small.

for more information refere this link

for have make changes in menifest file e.g

 <supports-screens android:resizeable=["true"| "false"]                       android:smallscreens=["true" | "false"]                       android:normalscreens=["true" | "false"]                       android:largescreens=["true" | "false"]                       android:xlargescreens=["true" | "false"]                       android:anydensity=["true" | "false"]                       android:requiressmallestwidthdp="integer"                       android:compatiblewidthlimitdp="integer"                       android:largestwidthlimitdp="integer"/> 

for refer this link


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