webrtc datachannel onopen is not fired -

my friends

i'm trying test of webrtc. start no signal server, copy/paste offer , answer hand.

my process is:

setup events onicecandidate, datachannel.onopen, onmessage..etc

with pc1.onicecandidate set pc1.addicecandidate(event.candidate); pc2, wrong?

then create session:

pc1 createoffer , set local description

pc2 set offer(generated pc1 in above step) remote description, generate answer

pc1 set remote description answer(generated pc2 in above step)

datachannel.onopen not fired, know why? missing step?

thanks help!


i'm using chrome 28. windows 2003 32bit.

i've made work using socket server signaling.

pc2 should add pc1's candidate

and pc1 should add pc2's candidate.

vip24.ezday.co.kr/docs/rtc-datachannel-for-beginners.html help.

the peers make many candidate, , should added peer after generate 1 candidate, candidate fowarded peer signaling server


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