mysql - in Rails, database call works in development but stalls in test -
i running test controller method shown below:
it "should assigns instance var @items including item" @item = factorygirl.create(:item) :index response.should include(@item) end
the controller method is:
def index @item = item.select_items end
where select_items scope method in items model:
scope :select_items, where(items.arel_table[:select_field].not_eq(nil))
in development, works fine. in test however,
- a 500 error when test controller method in console
- no error when test model method in console
- a permanent hang when run spec
in test.log, hang happens @ last line of following:
connecting database specified database.yml admin load (0.5ms) select `admins`.* `admins` (0.6ms) release savepoint active_record_1 (0.2ms) savepoint active_record_1 sql (1.1ms) insert `items` (`various fields') (0.1ms) release savepoint active_record_1 processing admin::itemscontroller#index html admin load (0.4ms) select `admins`.* `admins` `admins`.`id` = 1 limit 1 rendered admin/items/index.haml within layouts/tabs (0.2ms) completed 200 ok in 15ms (views: 3.9ms | activerecord: 0.4ms) item load (1.2ms) select `items`.* `items` (`item`.`select_field` not null) limit 25 offset 0
if run test in rspec, spec stops @ point. why?
your test should this:
it "should assigns instance var @items including item" @item = factorygirl.create(:item) :index assigns(:item).should include(@item) end
your controller assigned instance variable, , how access them. response
holds lot of information never need @ in test. exception if returning things json or xml, in case you'd @ response.body
in addition, considering controller instance variable grabbing possible multiple items, should name variable @items
, pluralized. furthermore, never capitalize instance variables, should @items
. , lastly nitpicky things, in test, don't need make @item
instance variable exists single it
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