import - Enum can not be resolved? Java -

i have 2 classed @ different pages.

the object class:

public class sensor {    type type;   public static enum type   {         prox,sonar,inf,camera,temp;   }    public sensor(type type)   {   this.type=type;   }    public void tellit()   {       switch(type)       {       case prox:            system.out.println("the type of sensor proximity");           break;       case sonar:            system.out.println("the type of sensor sonar");           break;       case inf:            system.out.println("the type of sensor infrared");           break;       case camera:            system.out.println("the type of sensor camera");           break;       case temp:            system.out.println("the type of sensor temperature");           break;       }   }    public static void main(string[] args)     {         sensor sun=new sensor(;         sun.tellit();     }     } 

main class:

import sensor.type;  public class mainclass {  public static void main(string[] args) {     sensor sun=new sensor(type.sonar);     sun.tellit(); } 

errors two, 1 type can not resolved other cant not import. can do? first time used enums see.

enums required declared in package import statements work, i.e. importing enums classes in package-private (default package) classes not possible. move enum package

import static my.package.sensor.type; ... sensor sun = new sensor(type.sonar); 

alternatively can use qualified enum

sensor sun = new sensor(sensor.type.sonar); 

without import statement


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