windows - change default search engine in major browsers (msie, chrome, firefox, safari and opera) -

goal: change default search engine, homepage , url searchbar in major browsers ff, msie (version6+), chrome, safari, opera.

conditions: want create setup program through nsis installer, change settings. not looking javascript solution, or browser add solution.

all helps appreciated.

i have answered similar question earlier on forum, please little search before posting questions. following summary ie, ff , chrome implemented in installer. hope helps.

for ie:

you need edit registry

hkey_current_user "software\microsoft\internet explorer\main" "start page"  hkey_current_user "software\microsoft\internet explorer\main" "default_search_url" hkey_current_user "software\microsoft\internet explorer\main" "default_page_url" "" hkey_current_user "software\microsoft\internet explorer\searchscopes\yoursearchenginename" "displayname" "yoursearchenginename" hkey_current_user "software\microsoft\internet explorer\searchscopes\yoursearchenginename" "url" "yoursearchengineurl" hkey_current_user "software\microsoft\internet explorer\searchscopes" "defaultscope" "yoursearchenginename"  

for chrome:

find file:

"$localappdata\google\chrome\user data\default\preferences" 

use nsjson plugin edit "homepage" attribute.

for changing url search bar (default search) , need find way edit sqlite database:

"$localappdata\google\chrome\user data\default\web data 

in there keywords table have add search engine. , update in meta table of same databse.

for firefox:

find file:


its javascript file, can edit attributes change home page , default search.


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