c - Launch a program using sudo -

i want launch program using sudo, have used command

sudo './connectionmanager'

on a:

distributor id: scientificsl description:    scientific linux sl release 5.5 (boron) release:        5.5 codename:       boron (like centos5.5) 

and works, doesn't work on

distributor id: scientific description:    scientific linux release 6.4 (carbon) release:        6.4 codename:       carbon 

in last case have following message: [1]+ stopped sudo './connectionmanager'

i have check code , problem instruction int setpgrp(void) in connectionmanager.

connectionmanager program written in c, wich fork process in order wait tcp/ip connnection.

someone can me ?

follow sample code

#include <stdio.h> #include <ncurses.h> ... int main() {      if (chdir("/opt/informix/server") == -1) {   printf("errore nella directory /opt/informix/server\n");   getch();     exit(1);     };       signal(sigint, onexit);     signal(sigusr1, refreshmainwindow);  signal(sigpipe, sig_ign); signal(sigcld, sig_ign); setpgrp();  parentpid = getpid();    /***/ if (lockfile(_true) != _ok) {        exit(1); }  if (createdestroyshm(_true) != _ok) {      exit(1); }      ...      if (lockfile(_false, &sdebug) != _ok) {      exit(1); }   /***/  init_curses();       menubar  = subwin(stdscr, 1, maxcols, 0, 0); main_win = subwin(stdscr, maxrows-1, maxcols, 1, 0); cbreak();           /* acquire each keystroke */ printtestata(); draw_menubar(menubar);  /***/    switch (fork()) {   case 0:     signal(sigusr1, sig_ign);   break;   default:          keyboardhandler(); }       void init_curses()     {     putenv("term=xterm");        initscr();       wresize(stdscr, maxrows, maxcols);       start_color();       init_pair(1,color_white,color_red);       init_pair(2,color_blue,color_white);       init_pair(3, color_green, color_blue);       init_pair(4, color_red, color_blue);       curs_set(0);       noecho();       keypad(stdscr,true);       touchwin(stdscr);       wrefresh(stdscr);     } 

perhaps process not in sessions foreground process group , despite tries read or write terminal.

see "notes" section in http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/setpgid.2.html , "jobs , sessions" http://www.linusakesson.net/programming/tty/.

you check in code if (tcgetpgrp(stdout_fileno) == getpgid(0)). if not, not in foreground.


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