eclipse - m2eclipse not showing latest artifacts in search -

i using eclipse m2eclipse plugin , have setup nexus repository mirror. when search artifacts not show recent versions; shows outdated versions of artifacts. end searching online latest version. have configured incorrectly, or bug? on eclipse kepler, happened in juno version.

for example, tried adding groovy dependency, on version 2.1.6. latest (non-beta) shown 1.8.1:

enter image description here

i don't think has nexus. can view nexus repository in maven repositories view in eclipse. also, if manually type in latest version there not errors, jar file(s) pulled in correctly.

here local settings.xml referencing nexus mirror:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <settings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemalocation="">  <plugingroups> </plugingroups> <proxies> </proxies> <servers>            <server>         <id>nexus</id>         <username>deployment</username>         <password>mypassword</password>     </server> </servers>  <mirrors>     <mirror>         <id>nexus</id>         <mirrorof>central</mirrorof>         <url>http://myserver/nexus/content/groups/public</url>     </mirror> </mirrors> <profiles>     <profile>       <id>nexus</id>       <repositories>         <repository>           <id>central</id>           <url>http://central</url>           <releases><enabled>true</enabled></releases>           <snapshots><enabled>true</enabled></snapshots>         </repository>        </repositories>       <pluginrepositories>         <pluginrepository>           <id>central</id>           <url>http://central</url>           <releases><enabled>true</enabled></releases>           <snapshots><enabled>true</enabled></snapshots>         </pluginrepository>       </pluginrepositories>     </profile> </profiles>  <activeprofiles>     <activeprofile>nexus</activeprofile> </activeprofiles> 

this problem downloading index files nexus.

  1. make sure can find latest version of dependency when searching in nexus web ui. if doesn't work, nexus fails download indexes upstream sites. check errors in logs , manually trigger download.

  2. if search on nexus works, make sure m2e can download indexes when start eclipse. in progress view when start eclipse; should tell downloads indexes nexus.

you can have @ maven console (in console view; enable debug see more) right after starting eclipse.

lastly, can start eclipse java instead of javaw. print debug information console/terminal window.


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